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What can AgTech do for You

AgTech Case Study:

Initial Irrigation Schedule-  Our initial irrigation schedule was to irrigate in 48 hr sets every 5-7 days.  Schedules like this are common for several reasons, less time turning on and off pumps and checking the irrigation system as well as giving the ground time to dry down for orchard management.

Issues with this Schedule-  The biggest problem we encountered with this schedule was infiltration, we were not getting water and nutrients past 16″ and into our target rootzone.  We were also seeing our ground seal up due to excess watering.


Solution-  To achieve better infiltration we decided to change our irrigation schedule.  We wanted to test out shorter, more frequent sets.  Our new schedule irrigates in 18hr sets every day.  We are putting on the same amount of water however we are “pulsing” the water rather than dumping it on all at once. 

After just a couple irrigation cycles, we saw water penetrating down to 24″ and 32″.


Issues with New Solution-  The biggest issue we found with this schedule was the labor it took to have someone in the field everyday for irrigation rather than every 5-7 days like before.

Introducing AgTech Solutions-  Because we knew this new schedule was difficult to manage, we installed a simple automation system.  This allows us to remotely start and stop our pump or the convenience of running on a schedule.  The hardware also allows us to constantly monitor our pump, flows and pressure and be alerted if problems arise.  This new solution also allows us to run off peak at all times.

A Look at our Software

Drive/Pump Monitoring-  Real time drive and pump data; Amps, Hz, PSI, GPM and Flow accumulation.

Drive/Pump Automation-  Manual operation capabilities of the drive/pump, also fully remote drive troubleshooting and programming.

Drive/Pump Scheduling-  Ability to set a simple irrigation schedule to fit your needs and stay off peak.  Start Time–> Start Day–> Stop Time–> Stop Day.


In Conclusion

Integrating REAL TIME AgTech monitoring and automation both in field and at the pump station gave us the ability to track our soil moisture status, find issues and react accordingly to the situation.

  • Efficient Irrigations-  More water delivered to the plant each irrigation
  • Lower Labor Inputs-  Eliminates a person physically turning on and shutting off the system, watching your flow and pressure also allows you to see if any issues arise at start up
  • Off Peak Irrigations (PG&E)  Lower your pumping costs

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